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Crystal programming language

Crystal Programming language Wikipedia An object-oriented general-purpose programming language designed and developed by Arie Borenzweig, Juan Weinerman and Brian Cardiff. Developed by a community of over 300 developers. It has a Ruby-like syntax, but, unlike Ruby, it is compiled and statically typed. Read more Year of release: 2014 Platform: X64 Website: Crystal programming language

PHP Programming language

PHP Programming language Wikipedia A general-purpose scripting language that is intensively used for developing web applications. Currently, it is supported by the vast majority of hosting providers and is one of the leaders among the languages used to create dynamic websites. Year of release: 1995 Interesting fact: In 1994, the Danish programmer Rasmus Lerdorf created a set of Perl/CGI scripts PHP Programming language


Python Programming language Wikipedia A high-level general-purpose programming language with dynamic strict typing and automatic memory management, focused on improving developer productivity, code readability and quality, as well as ensuring the portability of programs written in it. The language is completely object-oriented in the sense that everything is objects. Unusual Read more Year of Python

C++ Programming language

C++ Programming language Wikipedia It is widely used for software development, being one of the most popular programming languages. The scope of its application includes the creation of operating systems, various application programs, device drivers, applications for embedded systems, high-performance servers, as well as games. There are many implementations of the C++ language, both free and C++ Programming language


A software platform based on the V8 engine that transforms jаvascript from a highly specialized language into a general-purpose language. Node.js adds the ability for jаvascript to interact with I/O devices through its API written in C++, connect other external libraries written in different languages, providing calls to them from jаvascript code. Node.js is used mainly on the server, acting as Node.js