Articles by selected date

Ultimate Custom Nodes

Now you can install the icons in a few minutes. With this plugin you can: a set of images for a forum node, page, link, or category set font high icon for forum node, page, link or category set width for icon enable/disable animation effect for new icons enable/disable border for icon image enable/disable border radius for icon image set border color set font awesome icon image in the same node! Ultimate Custom Nodes

Social Groups 3.0.7 (corrected)

Main Features: *Ability to create unlimited categories and nested categories for groups. *Ability to create unlimited custom fields for each category. The custom fields will then be displayed in the group details. *Show custom field position, data types, create PHP callback for fields, *Ability to group members and easily manage member roles and permissions in a group. *Events. Each group has the Social Groups 3.0.7 (corrected)

XF2 [8WR] XenPorta 2 (Portal) PRO - portal to XenForo 2

[8WR] XenPorta 2 (Portal) PRO is an article system and interface that allows you to professionally look at the sections of your forum on the main page. It is fully integrated into the XenForo framework and does not add new content types to manage. The essential difference with this new version was to reduce it, make it easier to use and get rid of bloat. XF2 [8WR] XenPorta 2 (Portal) PRO - portal to XenForo 2

Sticky Any Post 2.3.0 (pin the first post)

This add-on allows you to specify the forums that will "pin" the first post of the topic to the pages of this topic. You can specify this on each forum, and the first message will appear on all pages, just like on the first page. To attach any post, edit the thread or edit the post using the "advanced options" and set the appropriate counter or checkbox. On forums that force Sticky Any Post 2.3.0 (pin the first post)

XenMedio 2 (Media) PRO

XF2 [8WR] XenMedio 2 (Media) PRO is a system where users can post videos hosted on several popular media platforms (for example, YouTube, Dailymotion, etc.). Then they can tag keywords and users directly under the video, which can help in their search. Automatic search for media data from views. Tag content through keywords and users. Custom search and filtering. Embedding support for local XenMedio 2 (Media) PRO