Privacy is a very important factor when we surf the Internet. There are certain factors that can make our personal data compromised. In this article we are going to talk about how to avoid being tracked when using Chrome. We will give a series of tips to ensure that personal information is always protected and that security problems of any kind do not arise.
Set up Chrome to improve privacy
The first thing you can do to avoid tracking when using the Google Chrome browser is to use your own program settings. There you can touch some parameters to avoid monitoring when you enter a web page or use any online service where you can expose information.
In this case you have to go to the menu on the top right, you enter Configuration and you go to Cookies and Other site data. There you can configure how the browser can track you through cookies when visiting a page. By default, the option to Block third-party cookies is checked incognito. What you should do is check the option of Block all cookies.
Of course, you should bear in mind that when checking this option you will have to log in whenever you enter a page or they will not follow the products you have selected in an online store if you close the page.
Another option is to check the box Send a request for non-monitoring with your navigation traffic. This will send a request to the sites you visit so that they do not use third party data, such as sites you have previously visited. However, some pages will continue to collect information to improve security or provide better content, as Chrome itself indicates.
On the other hand, if you enter Site settings, you can manage the permissions you have given to use the microphone, know the location or use the camera. This will also help you improve privacy and avoid tracking when browsing.
What to do not expose data when browsing
Beyond using the Google Chrome settings themselves, you can also consider some tips for avoid exposing data when browsing. You can take these tips into account at any time, either to browse web pages or use any online service.
Beware of extensions
Are you going to install extensions in Google Chrome? It is important that you install them safely. You should always go to official store Chrome and there download the accessories you need. You must make sure that they are legitimate, have a good valuation and will fulfill what you expect.
Our advice is not to abuse extensions. That is, you should only install those that are really going to help you. You should not install many accessories, since they will affect the performance of the browser, beyond posing a risk also for security and privacy when browsing.
Keep browser updated
Of course, a very important point is to have Google Chrome updated. This will correct potential vulnerabilities that can be exploited to track you when browsing. For this you have to go to the menu on the top right, enter Help and click on Google Chrome Information.
It will automatically start installing a possible new version out there. It is something that you should review periodically and always make sure you have the program correctly updated so that there is no risk.
Avoid unsafe sites
In this case we are before one more council of common sense. You should avoid browsing through web pages that may be a danger, that can be used by a cybercriminal to track you on the net. Sometimes when browsing you can come across pages that are not reliable, that will not treat your data well.
Avoiding unofficial websites, logging into third party sites and not directly on the original platform, such as Facebook or Twitter, is important in order to avoid problems. You should always avoid making these types of mistakes and your personal data will be protected on the Internet.
Do not post information publicly
Sometimes tracking when browsing Chrome comes after the user himself exposes personal data without realizing it. A clear example is when we write in a public forum and we put information such as email or phone number. That can be recorded by an attacker or a bot.
Therefore, the ideal is never to make public more information than necessary. This also includes social networks, where you will be able to manage what you make public and how others can access that data.
Hide connection data
Do you want your connection data not to be available to a third party? Whenever you surf the net, when it comes to simply opening a web page, you are exposing the IP address. That could be tracked and they could find out your physical location, language, the device you use ... There are methods for hide IP.
Use a VPN
The first option is to use one VPN. What this type of tool does is encrypt the connection. This way you can hide the actual IP address and physical location. Very useful for, for example, accessing services that may be geographically restricted in a given country.
There are many options available, both free and paid. However we recommend avoiding those that are free and not trustworthy. Your data could be compromised. Options like ExpressVPN or NordVPN work very well to be able to navigate the network safely.
Proxy server
You can also hide connection data by using a proxy server. We can say that it is a substitute for VPNs, although it has its differences and limitations. What a proxy does is act like a intermediary between our connection and the website we visit. In this way, the page we enter will not know our data, but those of that proxy server.
As with VPNs, we can find many options on the Internet. They also serve to access services that may be restricted and thus hide browsing data so that they are not available to a third party.
Alternative browser
On the other hand, if you want to avoid being tracked through Chrome and browsing with more privacy, one more option is to use an alternative browser. In this way you can install one that focuses especially on data protection and thus avoid the information being exposed.
A good option is the Tor browser. It works through nodes, so the connection will go through many intermediaries until reaching the final destination. This way the connection data will not be exposed and you can hide your IP address when you surf the Internet and reduce the risk of being tracked.
Ultimately, by following these tips you can avoid tracking on Chrome. When browsing the Internet your personal information may be compromised, but you can take some steps to avoid it.
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