We create landing pages, websites, etc. The Nethouse service allows you to create business cards, landing pages and websites using more than 100 templates. The service also helps in related processes: SEO promotion, organization of online training, website development, domain registration, etc.
Bill Gates has invested in Rumin8, an Australian startup that aims to reduce methane emissions by cows Bill Gates has joined the investors of the Australian startup Rumin8, which is developing a feed additive from which cows emit less methane into the atmosphere.
Awesome Hacker SearchEngines is a list of search engines useful during penetration testing, vulnerability assessment, Red Team operations, Bug Bounty and much more.
Let's talk about information manipulation, which is carried out within the framework of information and mental operations or propaganda. It is known that the basis of the news feed should be the facts - that is, the events that took place. Their actual coverage, which is not loaded with political and personal load, should be the basis of the news broadcast by the media. Further, on the basis of
?Weaknesses with fundamental security problems have been discovered in the super-duper protected messenger "Threema" — audit of researchers at the University of??ETH Zurich
How Cybercriminals use ChatGPT: 1 Creating a Python-based stiller that searches for common file types, copies them to a random folder inside the Temp folder, archives them