New articles

JCE Pro Content Editor v2.9.24

A new version of the popular JCE Pro Content Editor component has become available, which is designed for fast and convenient editing of Joomla content! You can create any without much need for programming knowledge, style sheets and markup languages. The editor allows you to easily create tables, work with images, change sizes and thumbnails, manage video and audio content, create links to JCE Pro Content Editor v2.9.24

RSFirewall! v3.0.9

RSFirewall - a component of the irreplaceable and most advanced security and control service for Joomla has become available for download! The extension allows you to protect against Joomla hacking, effectively repel all modern intrusions and hacker attacks. The component does protection using XSS, LFI and SQL filters, control of new files and accounts on the site, automatic correction of access RSFirewall! v3.0.9

iCagenda Pro v3.8.7

iCagenda Pro - the latest version of the popular multilingual component for creating and managing any events on Joomla sites has become available. Now you can easily create and manage any events. The package includes the iC Library plugin, the autoregistration plugin, the search plugin, the Joomla 3 calendar module, the iC Library library and the iCagenda component itself. Among the features are iCagenda Pro v3.8.7

VP One Page Checkout v7.5

VP One Page Checkout is a popular responsive AJAX Joomla plugin for organizing a convenient one-page order in the shopping cart of the VirtueMart 3 and VirtueMart 2.6 online store component. It supports most templates and frameworks. The basket is updated in real time (checking mail, name, registration). The plugin is easy to configure, has two built-in design styles, the ability to disable the VP One Page Checkout v7.5

Articles Anywhere PRO v12.2.0

Articles Anywhere PRO is a wonderful Joomla plugin that allows you to quickly post an article almost anywhere on the website. Thanks to this extension, the user has the opportunity to implement the most non-standard solutions. You can post an article using Articles Anywhere using its name, alias, or module ID. It is possible to display the entire text in full, the introduction to the material or Articles Anywhere PRO v12.2.0

Shack Toolbox v4.0.3

Shack Toolbox is the best content output plugin for Joomla. Instagram Facebook, Twitter, Google Maps, Instagram, iframe, Joomla articles, K2, ZOO, Seblod, and more. Shack Toolbox has more than 19 media and marketing integrations. Shack Toolbox has many different design and layout options for your content. You can choose from 17 different themes. You can also choose effects including pop-ups, Shack Toolbox v4.0.3

Advanced Custom Fields PRO v2.1.2

Expanding your Joomla website with custom fields has become a dream of many, and now it has become a reality with the help of extended custom fields! Advanced Custom Fields PRO provides incredible flexibility and extensive features for your Joomla content, giving you the opportunity to use popular services such as embedded YouTube videos, easy-to-use Google Maps and much, much more! Advanced Custom Fields PRO v2.1.2