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WP Force SSL PRO v5.27

WP Force SSL PRO helps redirect insecure HTTP traffic to secure HTTPS and fix SSL errors without touching the code. Activate Force SSL, and everything will be installed, and SSL is enabled. The entire site will switch to HTTPS using your SSL certificate. Works with any SSL certificate. This can be a free SSL certificate from Let's Encrypt or a paid SSL certificate. WP Force SSL PRO v5.27

LoginPress PRO v2.5.2

The LoginPress PRO plugin from WPBrigade contains many settings fields for changing the layout of the WordPress login page. You can completely change the appearance of the login page, even login error messages, forgotten error messages, registration error messages, password prompt message and much more. The LoginPress plugin will give you and your users the feeling that this is a customizable LoginPress PRO v2.5.2

Readabler v1.3.4

This is a WordPress accessibility plugin that expands the boundaries of accessibility of information for people with special needs. Accessibility of content for people with special needs or difficulties with the perception of information is an important part of the work of each site. Readabler v1.3.4

All-in-One WP Migration Unlimited Extension v2.46

All-in-One WP Migration Unlimited Extension is a great tool for migrating WP sites. It works perfectly with WP sites of various kinds - hosting platforms, plugins, themes, it doesn't matter. Uploading to new platforms is carried out in parts to circumvent download restrictions on some servers. The process is very simple. After installing and activating the plugin, select All-inOne WP Migration in All-in-One WP Migration Unlimited Extension v2.46

The Plus v5.1.0

This is an addon for the Elementor page builder, which includes all the best Elementor addons created for innovation and creativity. It has the most amazing customization options that make this addon a perfect addition to the elements. We have created each widget with maximum attention to detail, and this is a complete adaptive set of additional elements. It has advanced elements, some of which The Plus v5.1.0

WP Hide PRO v3.6.0

A convenient way to hide your WordPress from being viewed through code. Web crawlers will not find any traces of WordPress on your site. More than 99.99% of hacking sites are targeted attacks on certain plugins and theme vulnerabilities. Since WordPress plugins and themes are no longer found, no hacking occurs, even if the site uses vulnerable code. WP Hide PRO v3.6.0