XenForo Forum Engine XenForo is a commercial Internet forum software package written in the PHP programming language. The software is developed by former vBulletin lead developers Keir Darby and Mike Sullivan.
(SD) Game Keys Store is an application for the Community Suite 4 forum, which allows you to sell game keys through external APIs, or directly upload to the database.
Trophies and Medals is an application for the IPS Community Suite 4 forum, which will help organize a system of trophies and medals on your forum, you can automate the issuance of medals to your users, for messages, downloads, and so on.
The Member Lists Pro plugin for the IPS Community Suite 4 forum gives you the ability to create an unlimited number of ways to configure, create and populate your user lists. Create employee lists, create clan lists, create special lists, create multiple lists, create as many custom lists as you want! Go beyond the standard IPS membership list with
Show in detail the statistics of your forum and participants in the form of graphs using the IPS Community Suite 4 - Advanced Stats forum plugin. It shows statistics of clubs, users, messages, downloads, likes and other things. Widgets in any part of the forum, there are also settings for which group the statistics will be visible.
The Advanced Footer module allows you to add a footer to your site with any number of blocks, including channels from forums, galleries, downloads, pages, Facebook, Twitter, a participant addition block, a custom editor/HTML blocks and much more. Beautiful and clean design, it is fully adaptive and perfect for your theme thanks to wide customization options, fully customizable, resizable, etc.
(NE) HTML5 Audio/Video Player is a plugin for the IPS Community Suite 4 forum that will display an HTML5 audio or video player for audio or video attachments or remotely linked audio/video files. The ability to control the initial size of the video player to avoid a "large" video. The ability to include the original link to act as a fallback option for users with browsers that cannot
Downloads Files Widget - With this module for the IPS Community Suite 4 forum, you will be able to display files from your file archive in a widget. The plugin settings allow you to: configure the number of files to be displayed; the type of files to be displayed: what's new (new files), files with the highest rating or the most downloaded files; groups that are allowed to view the block.
Topic Password Protection - This plugin for the IPS Community Suite 4 forum will allow users to create topics using a password to protect them. This plugin uses cookies to store an encrypted password.
Slider Maker is an application for the IPS Community Suite 4 forum that allows you to create professional sliders, adaptive layout and touch support for mobile devices. You can manually create sliders by adding images, videos, content, animated layers. Or add slides automatically from clubs, forums, downloads, calendar, gallery, pages, video box. It is focused on performance, stability and
Enhanced AdBlock Blocker is an excellent plugin for the IPS Community Suite 4 forum. With this plugin, you will be able to detect AdBlock or another blocker that blocks ads on your site. A blocking message will be displayed, which will disable all access to the forum if the user has not disabled his AdBlock.
The Change Post Author module for the IPS Community Suite 4 forum allows your employees to change the author of the message, also works for the author of the topic.
Members Teams is a plugin for the IPS Community Suite 4 forum that allows your users to select their favorite teams and display them in a widget. Set which groups of participants can view and select teams. There is a hook that displays the members of the selected team. Register a field that allows participants to choose their team when registering. The team selection page can use a grid of
Sticky Contact Us Button - this plugin for the IPS Community Suite 4 forum removes the text link "Contact us" in the footer and places a much more noticeable pinned button in the lower right corner. When clicked, the usual contact form is loaded in the form of a pop-up window. With this change, visitors will contact you more often, for example, with pre-sale questions. The plugin comes