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Documentation Page 1.0
This hack, installed through the plugin system in DLE, will help show your users the documentation for an article or news - on a separate page. It will be useful to developers.

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FancyBox for DLE 1.0.1
The hack allows you to replace the standard image magnification functionality in DLE - c Highslide with FancyBox. It also works for additional fields.

Expanding the functionality of the template engine
Expanding the functionality of the template engine

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We remove unnecessary items from the {sort} tag, customize it for ourselves.
We remove unnecessary items from the {sort} tag, customize it for ourselves.

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Insufficient data filtering DLE 12.1
Insufficient data filtering DLE 12.1

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Integration of DLE 10-12 + IPS 4.2.x
Integration of DLE 10-12 + IPS 4.2.x

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Automatic creation of article content for DLE
Automatic creation of article content for DLE

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DLE rating as on Youtube
With this example, I want to show how the standard DLE "like-dislike" rating can be visually transformed into any interesting form using the example of a Youtube rating. The most important thing is that this method does not affect the engine files, it is fully compatible with it, in fact, this is the standard functionality of DLE.

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The second button is Discuss on the forum
Adding a second "Discuss on the Forum" button to BulletEnergy 1.3

Integration of a coin into the Points System module 1.5
I came across one module "CL Gifts 0.3.4" from the respected author "Mumi", its other name is "Gifts 0.3.4" and in this module I liked a coin that appeared on the site at a certain time (specified in the admin panel with different probability of display). And if you click on it, then 1 coin was credited to your account, which, after accumulation, could be spent on

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DLE Visitators Diagram
I present to your attention the DLE Visitators Diagram. This module is for site traffic analysis Module Descriptions:

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Publication in a certain category for a certain group
Publication in a certain category for a certain group

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