Slider Maker 2.0.1 - creating sliders for IPS 4

Slider Maker is an application that allows you to create professional sliders, adaptive layout and touch support for mobile devices. You can manually create sliders by adding images, videos, content, animated layers. Or add slides automatically from clubs, forums, downloads, calendar, gallery, pages, video box. It is focused on performance, stability and availability, providing maximum Slider Maker 2.0.1 - creating sliders for IPS 4

Member Map 3.6.1 - location of IPS 4.4 users

Member Map is an application that allows your users to place their (exact or approximate) location on an interactive map. The member map has a permission model, so you can restrict which groups can be added to the map. As an administrator, you have the ability to create your own groups where your community (when allowed) can place other markers on the map, for example, if they would like to place Member Map 3.6.1 - location of IPS 4.4 users

(itzverified) member verification 4.2.3 - IPS 4 user verification

Itzverified - modification of IPS 4 for photo verification. Your members can request a confirmation code in their settings. Now they can upload a photo where they have to hold a paper with a confirmation code and start the verification process. After sending the file, your moderators will be informed via a notification about the new sent verification. They can go to the moderator panel and check (itzverified) member verification 4.2.3 - IPS 4 user verification

ThreadStarter: Steam 1.1.0 - Steam games database for IPS

ThreadStarter: Steam - This plugin allows users to easily create topics about Steam games and automatically fill them with content. After attaching the game, which can be easily done using an autofill search, the branch will show various information about it above the message. The theme will display the logo, screenshots, description text and other various information about the game. Steam games ThreadStarter: Steam 1.1.0 - Steam games database for IPS

iAward 1.3.2 - Rewards for IPS 4

iAward - provides administrators with the opportunity to award their participants with awards (badges) that are displayed in their profile. Offline, this application has the ability to manually assign participants and award participants depending on the amount of rewards that the user has. You can award both from ACP and from the create menu at the top of your site. To give everyone a fully iAward 1.3.2 - Rewards for IPS 4