vBulletin (abbreviated as vB) - a powerful, fully customizable forum with high potential for empowerment. It was written using the fastest growing language on the Internet - PHP, and is compatible with a highly efficient and very fast MySQL database. One of the advantages of this forum should be highlighted: fast and efficient work with the database, an interface consisting of templates, a
The latest version of the best vBulletin forum is 4.0.6. It is a really powerful and fully customizable forum package for your site. vBulletin is the ideal solution for medium and large information sites.
Description: vBulletin (abbreviated vB) is a commercial web forum developed by Internet Brands Inc. This software is written in PHP and uses a MySQL server to maintain its database.
vBulletin (abbreviated vB, in the jargon — "Vobla") is a commercial web forum developed by Internet Brands Inc. This software is written in PHP and uses a MySQL server to maintain its database. Completely zoned and Russified - forum, CMS, blogs. NulleD By FintMax The author of the translation: zCarot and company
The latest version of a commercial web forum developed by Jelsoft Enterprises Ltd. . There is no point in describing it in particular. vBulletin is a powerful, scalable and easily customizable script. vBulletin is an ideal solution for medium and large information sites, created in PHP using MySQL databases that are fast in operation.