XenForo 2.1.0

XenForo 2.1.0 is now available for download. Some of the changes in XF 2.1.0 include: notes for designers and style designers, link preview, improved Emoji support and the ability to upload videos, Font Awesome 5, PUSH notifications, REST API, bookmarks for content, improved moderation queue and many other features. XenForo 2.1.0

XenForo 2.0.12

XenForo 2.0.12 is now available for download. We recommend that all users working with previous versions of XenForo 2.0 upgrade to this version to improve stability. This version introduces a number of changes to improve compatibility with PHP 7.3.0. However, we currently do not recommend using PHP 7.3.0 in work due to an error that may lead to incorrect code execution, which in turn may lead to XenForo 2.0.12