HTML Control panels

42 Publication

Boxify - Bootstrap 4 Admin Dashboard

Boxify is a Responsive Admin Template with modern design with highly focused on simplicity and better user experience. It helps you create eye-catching backend panel for your next awesome project. Paper Panel has two ready version a development version and a production version. A development version is included powered by gulp, Webpack, and sass. You need to install gulp and nodeJs in order to Boxify - Bootstrap 4 Admin Dashboard

Lumino Admin

Lumino is a clean, fresh admin panel template that contains everything you need for the private part of your Internet project. Some of the features of Lumino are: a control panel page, various widgets, adaptive charts, advanced data, tables, forms, user interface elements and an example login page. Lumino Admin


This template has many different settings and many use cases so that you can test and find the one that suits you perfectly. In this template, there is an overhaul with a new design and functionality. Be sure that you will find everything you need in it. This template is built on Bootstrap 4. Metis


Gentelella is an adaptive, flat and fully functional template for creating an admin panel. This template is built on the Bootstrap 3 framework using modern HTML5 and CSS3 technologies, which allows you to comfortably use this template on screens of any size. To date, this is the most modern and well-designed free admin panel template that can easily compete with any paid alternatives. Gentellela