One of the most important problems we face when browsing the Internet is the Phishing. This is a method that hackers use to steal passwords. We can be victims of this problem simply by entering a malicious link, so it is always convenient to be prepared. In this article we are going to show a series of extensions for Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox browsers that help prevent this type of threat.
How Phishing works in the browser
Phishing can come by different means. For example we can receive a link through social networks, through email or simply by clicking on a link on a page we are visiting. That link is going to redirect us to one false page, which has been created simply to pretend to be another legitimate one.
It is widely used for steal passwords in bank accounts, social networks, email ... By clicking on that link and putting our data, both the username and the password, that information will go directly to a server controlled by the attacker. In this way you will be able to steal passwords and have full control of our accounts.
So simply by clicking on a false link we can suffer the theft of our keys. To avoid this problem, the most important thing is common sense, always log in directly from the official page and not through links we receive. But we can also help each other with certain programs and there the browser itself will have some extensions available.
The goal of these extensions that we are going to show for Chrome and Firefox is to alert us when we click on those types of fake links that are actually Phishing. In this way we will avoid logging in where we should not. Our password will be protected and we will reduce the risk of having intruders.
Chrome extensions
First of all we are going to show some accessories for Chrome They are going to help us avoid Phishing attacks. Your mission is to alert us as soon as we enter a link that can be classified as dangerous and that could have been created simply to steal passwords and personal data.
Total WebShield
The first antivirus for Chrome we want to show is Total WebShield. Use the artificial intelligence and cloud-based technology to detect threats. It allows to detect online malware, possible Phishing links and web pages that may result in a security problem.
If you click on a link that takes you to a dangerous page and this extension detects it as such, it automatically blocks access. This prevents you from reaching a site where your data may be compromised or where there are files to download that may actually be a virus.
The way to use Total WebShield is very simple. You just have to install it from the Chrome official store and from there it will be running in the browser. It will work automatically whenever you open the program to navigate.
Dr.Web Link Checker
This security extension for Chrome focuses primarily on social media. Your mission is detect malicious links from sites like Facebook. Keep in mind that these types of platforms are widely used by cybercriminals to launch scams online and compromise security.
To use it you have to go to the official website of the Chrome Plugin Shop and download it there. The icon will automatically appear above you.
It is a tool that alerts us to possible Phishing links that we receive when browsing the Internet. It offers specific information so that we are prepared in case a link arrives that may be a threat to our passwords. It is very simple to use.
To use it you have to download it from the Chrome official store. From then on, you will begin to assess the risk of the links and alert in case there is something strange that could put security at risk. Use a database to compare the information that exists with the sites we visit.
Other very useful tool to be protected against Phishing when browsing with Google Chrome is ZoneAlarm. Before we put any personal data on a website, it will be in charge of analyzing it to determine if it is reliable or can pose a risk to privacy and security.
In case you detect that there is a security risk, if you see that website is blacklisted and used to steal passwords, it will issue a warning. The goal is to prevent us from logging in through fake links, which have been created solely to scam. You can download from the browser store from Google.
Accessories for Firefox
There are also extensions to avoid Phishing attacks for the browser Mozilla Firefox. You can avoid falling into the trap by browsing the Internet and avoid those fake pages that have been created solely to steal passwords. We are going to put a list of some interesting accessories that help to be more protected.
Zelda Anti-Phishing
One of the Firefox extensions for detect Phishing attacks that we can install is that of Zelda Anti-Phishing. It is in charge of scanning all the web pages we visit and in case of seeing that there is any risk it blocks it. It launches a notice and prevents us from logging in or sending any type of information that may be intercepted.
Its operation is very simple and what you should do is download the application from the official browser store and from that moment on it will start tracking the websites you visit and will notify if it finds anything strange that could mean that the data is in danger.
Another Firefox plugin that aims to detect Phishing attacks is PhishWall. It serves to track pages that we open in the browser and alerts us if we are entering one that may be a security threat and be used to launch Phishing attacks.
You can download this tool from the Firefox store. It is one of those with the most downloads of its kind. Very useful as a complement to other security programs, such as the antivirus itself that Windows has. One more way to maximize security.
With Emisoft you will achieve a protection when browsing the web, visiting web pages or opening links. It is responsible for blocking malicious sites that may contain Phishing and thus prevent you from logging into services that are dangerous and where your personal data could be compromised.
It promises not to track the user and not collect any information. Your mission is to alert in case you detect a malicious website and prevent us from falling into the trap. You can download it from the Firefox store.
You can also download and use the Ashampoo extension. Like the previous ones we have shown, this plugin will also help prevent Phishing attacks that they can steal passwords and personal information. You will block all websites you consider dangerous and launch a notice.
Once installed you will not have to configure anything, since it will work automatically. It is, therefore, yet another solution to avoid identity theft attacks when browsing that may put personal data at risk.
In short, these are some extensions that you can find for both Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome and avoid Phishing attacks. They will be very useful to improve security and can act as an ideal complement to other tools, such as antivirus. However, you should be aware that the most important thing not to fall into the attack trap like these is to avoid making mistakes.
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