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A denial of service (DoS) attack is an attempt to cause harm by making a target system, such as a website or application, inaccessible to ordinary end users. Attackers usually generate a large number of packets or requests, which ultimately overload the target system. To carry out a distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack, an attacker uses a variety of hacked or controlled sources. WHAT ARE DDOS ATTACKS?

Covert Use Of The Internet: Is Online Anonymity Possible?

Anonymity on the Web is a burning topic for discussion. We use many services every day that track our IP address. In fact, this is our real physical address, which is easy to establish. Imagine that you are walking down the street with your home address printed on your shirt. The same thing happens when you browse the internet without masking your location. Not everyone likes it. Read the best Covert Use Of The Internet: Is Online Anonymity Possible?