All source code of cryptocurrency exchange
24-01-2023, 23:27
CryptoExchange software
This is a well-established exchange system. The server is written in Java, and the front-end is built using the uniapp framework. It can be deployed with multiple terminals at once using Docker. This is a mature cryptocurrency exchange platform that can be set up in a few simple steps. A user of the Java server and a user of the uniapp front end can both use it. Installation is straightforward, with quotes and K-lines being retrieved automatically, and automatic node synchronization being organized for free. When you create an account, it will be added automatically, and you can set an automatic limit for withdrawing funds from the account. You just need to specify the IP address for your server and provide a mobile number for testing purposes. In the future, it will also be available for commercial use directly. Market data and K-line updates are retrieved automatically. Funds can be deposited automatically upon receipt, and the limit for automatic withdrawals can be set individually (node usage is required).
24-01-2023, 23:27
16-08-2023, 10:25
16-04-2024, 09:36
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