Crystal programming language
20-02-2022, 13:30
Markup language
A language for structuring and presenting the contents of the World Wide Web. This is the fifth version of HTML. Although the standard was completed only in 2014, since 2013, browsers have been promptly supported, and developers have been using a working standard. The goal of HTML5 development is to improve the level of support for multimedia technologies while maintaining backward compatibility, human-readable code and ease of analysis for parsers.
Year of release: 2014
Interesting fact: HTML5 has implemented many new syntactic features. For example, elements , and , as well as the possibility of using SVG and mathematical formulas. These innovations are designed to simplify the creation and management of graphic and multimedia objects on the network without the need to use third-party APIs and plug-ins.
How is html different from HTML5?
HTML5 differs from HTML by a lot of things, for example: 1) Audio and video integration 2) Global attributes are applied to all elements 3) jаvascript runs in the background 4) Improved mathematical notation 5) Vector graphics are supported without third-party programs 6) New APIs with a bunch of buns like drag-and-drop support and offline caching
20-02-2022, 13:30
23-02-2022, 10:11
20-02-2022, 13:03