Lua Programming Language
23-02-2022, 13:55
Programming language
A freely distributed language for automating tasks in Microsoft Windows. AutoHotkey is a scripting programming language adapted to easily assign and reassign hotkeys, including mouse and joystick buttons.
Year of release: 2003
Platform: Windows
How to write ahk scripts?
Scripts (binds) are written in a text file of the .ahk format, where the button and its function are specified. In order to create a bind, after installing the program, right-click on an empty place on the desktop, or in any folder, then select create and Autohotkey Script.
How to install AutoHotkey?
1. Go to the website 1.1 Click Download (Download) 1.2 Press the "Download AutoHotkey installer" (Download AutoHotkey Installer) 1.3 Wait until the download the installation file after the download, open it and click "Custom Installation" 1.4 Press the "Unicode 32-bit" 1.5 Next choose the path, i.e., where will be our program (REMEMBER WHERE YOU put the PROGRAM!!!)
What is acc in samp?
Autohotkey (AHK) This is a type of programming that is aimed at automating computer work (games, office programs, surfing the Internet), the familiar QuickBinder is written in this language, which implies automatic sending of messages to any
How to open ahk script?
Install the APK, then right-click to create an AutoHotkey script. We type the name, save it. Right-click on the script "edit script" or "open with".
How do I open an apk file?
Just right-click on the AHK file, and then from the available list select "Choose default program". Then you need to select the "View" option and find your favorite application. The entered changes must be approved using the "OK" option.
23-02-2022, 13:55
20-02-2022, 13:15
23-02-2022, 12:52